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MAX WAR - Public Pre Alpha (Download)

Halo Sahabat ITCrews, pada hari ini kami akan MenShare game Terbaru buatan Anak Indonesia "MAX WAR - Public Pre Alpha"

MAX WAR - Public Pre Alpha (Download)

Game buatan lokal nih
Ukuran cuma 400mb
Ayo ramein broo

diGame ini ada Mode Constructor System 
Ayo latih keahlian rancang bangun kamu diMAX WAR - Public Pre Alpha.
untuk saat ini kalian bebas mau membangun apa saja, material untuk membangun base diberikan unlimited, difitur selanjutnya kami akan enable fitur tebang pohon, tambang batu, tambang minyak, dan lainnya.
berpetualang, koordinasi team akan lebih seru dan menyenangkan dengan voice chat, max war kini sudah memiliki fitur Internal Voice Chat, dengan fitur Location Based Voice atau suara berdasarkan jarak dan environment reverb.
untuk terus meningkatkan kualitas max war, maka sebuah feedback sangat kami harapkan.
dan juga, untuk yang sudah main MAX WAR, silahkan laporkan performa gameplay kalian kepada kami melalui facebook, atau message.
laporkan Spec komputer kalian, kemudian laporkan apakah gamenya lancar atau tidak, berapakah FPS.
Sehingga data yang terkumpul bisa kami gunakan untuk meningkatkan performa game max war ini 
Untuk More Info Checkidot

MAX WAR tells a condition in which the group called Rofux has almost fully conquer the world, player act as a fighter that join a colony called united world fighters to survive and repel the invaders. There's no government and states, as though rofux is part of the big conspiracy of the world

Key Features : 
    • The islands based on real shape island which separated by sea and strait
    • Combine your weapon with available attachement
    • It's take too long time if you walk by foot, find unique vehicle which includes Ground, Water, & Air Vehicle
    • Play online with other peoples, and also play with your own colony/clan
    • The bullet has a travel speed
    • You may need a flashlight to see in the darkness
    • You can build your own basecamp for a defensive or just train your architectural skill

Recomended System Requirement :OS : Windows 7CPU : 2.5 Ghz Clock Speed or more, or intel i3 cpuRam : 2GBGPU : ATI Radeon HD6570 1GB GDDR3 128bit.

This is a Pre Alpha Game (Prototype), all stuff shown in this demo does not represent the final game, you may find any bugs, and/or errors. this build is for test purpose and feedback only, it does not demonstrate the final game.

We let you play the game so that you can help us to make better max war, any feedback are welcomed, please contact us if you find any bugs and/or errors in the game.

In this build we focusing on fixing bugs and make more listed feature come true.
however, graphic is not our main goal right now. as well as single player (Player Versus Bot)

we've added some our main feature to the game, that is Voice Chat, Base Constructtor System, and Vehicle Stuff.
this game include real shapped kalimantan island scaled down, but the full version of the game will include all indonesia's islands (scaled down). just the shape, not real big.

You need to download max war client in order to play the game, below is the download link.

Max War Public Pre Alpha
Download via IndieDB

How To Play the Game : 
2. Extract it
3. Find the executable file and run it
4. You don't need an account anymore to play this games.

Controls :
Move : W, A, S, D
Sprint : Left Shift + W
Fire : Left Mouse Button
Jump : Space
Crouch : C
Prone : X
Switch Camera : V
Inventory/Constructor : G
Place Construction : Q
Interact/Enter Vehicle : E
Start / Shut Down Engine : F
Open Parachute : T
Voice Chat Radio : BVoice Chat Local (location based) : H
we will be making a tutorial video on how to play to play the game

Screenshots :
MAX WAR - Public Pre Alpha (Download)

MAX WAR - Public Pre Alpha (Download)

MAX WAR - Public Pre Alpha (Download)

Screenshots Mode CONSTRUCTOR:
Screenshots Mode CONSTRUCTOR:
Screenshots Mode CONSTRUCTOR:

Screenshots Mode CONSTRUCTOR:
Screenshots Mode CONSTRUCTOR:

Screenshots Mode CONSTRUCTOR:
Screenshots Mode CONSTRUCTOR:

ChangeLog :
- Changed text chat system;
- Added air vehicle (chopper)
- Added destructible vehicle system
- Added parachutting system
- Added some LOD
- Added advanced graphic settings
- Added third person weapon animation
- Enabled constructor system
- Enabled destructible base
- Enabled voice chat
- Disabled login system
- Disabled menubar of online dashboard
- Fix swimming system
- Fix ragdoll
- Fix bullet damage
- Fix bullet physic
- Fix third person camera
- Fix inventory system
- Fix pickupable item system
- Fix constructor snapping
- Fix constructor sync
- Tweak graphic
- Tweak day night cycle
- Tweak physic

Useful Links : 
Donation Link :
Website :
Max War :
Youtube :
Fans Page :
IndieDB :
Unity Forum :

16 Responses to "MAX WAR - Public Pre Alpha (Download)"

  1. Kayaknya asik nih, ijin download bro..

  2. Wowww keren game nya,lumayan ni buat cari hiburan,sekalian mengenang masa2 main PB

  3. mantap nih game ijin download bro kebetulan saya suka game fps

  4. Boleh dicoba nih, semoga sukses ntar kedepannya :3

  5. Online Atau Offline Kah Bang?

  6. Replies
    1. Saran Spek :
      OS : Windows 7
      CPU : 2.5 Ghz Clock Speed atau lebih, atau intel i3 cpu
      Ram : 2GB
      GPU : ATI Radeon HD6570 1GB GDDR3 128bit.

  7. Wah Keknya Seru ni AganWati ,,, Ijin Comot ya

  8. This phrase indicates that a pre-alpha version of a game or software named "Max War" is available for public download. Why Crashing Game It suggests that users can access and test this early version of the project before its official release.


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